Key Characteristics of Enneatype 6
Committed, Reliable, Responsible, Trustworthy, Dependable, Dependent, Self-Doubt, Uncertain, Indecisive, Cautious, Suspicious, Alert, Trouble-Shooter, Friendly, Engaging, Security-Oriented, Worry, Anxious, Defensive, Defiant, Pessimistic, Catastrophising.
General Description
Sixes doubt their ability to protect themselves or make the right decisions. They are plagued by insecurity, fear, anxiety, suspicion, indecisiveness and self-doubt. They believe that all of these issues will be resolved if they have the support of someone who will give them confidence and dispel their doubt. And when they find someone they can rely on, Sixes are incredibly loyal for fear of losing their support. Some Sixes are what is known as ‘counterphobic’, meaning they “feel the fear and do it anyway”. They behave like the confident, strong, self-assured person that regular Sixes look to for support, but it is all a just a façade.

The Three Sub-Types (or variants)
Self-Preservation Sixes
- Can look like Twos.
- Warm, affectionate, supportive and dependable, but their fear and anxiety also makes them dependent.
- Their home is their haven, and family is their greatest asset.
- They are hesitant to share their thoughts or opinions, for fear of making a mistake.
- They are cautious, insecure, uncertain, indecisive, vague, unfocused and timid.
- They don’t trust their own capabilities, so they draw strength and courage from those who are strong, confident and capable.
- They are afraid of other people’s aggression and are afraid of expressing their own.
- They would benefit from making decisions, taking risks, stating their opinions and expressing their anger.
Sexual Sixes
- Countertype – can look like Eights.
- Bold, assertive and braver than other Sixes, because they are detached from their fear.
- The motto of this countertype is “feel the fear and do it anyway” or “attack is the best defence”.
- They use strength, aggression and intimidation to hide their inner anxiety.
- They are gung-ho, risk-taking, adrenaline junkies who like to rebel and stir up a bit of trouble.
- They are often tentative with new people and sceptical of new ideas.
- They would benefit from allowing themselves to disarm and become more vulnerable so that they can get in touch with their inner fear and anxiety.
Social Sixes
- Can look like Ones.
- Dutiful upholders of traditional values, social ideals and defenders of the weak.
- They deal with their anxiety through obedience, rules, guidelines and rigid ideologies.
- They are clear, precise and efficient, but often see things as black and white.
- They defend against uncertainty by becoming too sure, and maybe even fanatical.
- Their fear of disapproval means they always feel it is safer to do the right thing.
- They would benefit from letting go of the rules, rigid ideologies and their sense of duty to become more intuitive, playful and free.
Further Information About Enneatype 6
Evolutionary Behaviours
(when safe and relaxed)
- Sixes become more relaxed and optimistic, like health Nines.
- Sixes become more confident and decisive, like healthy Threes.

Devolutionary Behaviours
(when stressed)
- Sixes become competitive and arrogant, like unhealthy Threes.
- Sixes become numb and detached, like unhealthy Nines.
Sixes with a Five Wing
Sixes with a Seven Wing
General Advice for Sixes
- Acknowledge your tendencies to be dependent and defensive.
- Get out of your head and into your body, which will help you to enjoy the present instead of worrying about the future.
- Learn to trust yourself, your decisions and your abilities instead of habitually of going to others for help and advice.
- Develop your will and strength by taking a few risks, breaking your familiar routines and stepping out of your comfort zone.
Core Beliefs & Strategies of Enneatype 6
Lost Essential Quality: Personal Will
Personal Will is the experience of inner support, which gives us a sense of confidence, steadfastness, groundedness, stability and resilience.
Mental Ideal (Holy Idea): Faith
The mind’s sense of the lost essential quality – the faith and unshakable confidence that come from the steadfast presence of personal will.
Emotional Ideal (Virtue): Courage
The heart’s sense of the lost essential quality – the fearless courage that arises in the steadfast presence of personal will.
Core Belief: I am Helpless / Weak / Insecure
The loss of the essential quality (personal will), the mental ideal (faith) and the emotional ideal (courage) contribute to the development a core belief of being helpless and alone.
Core Motivation (to disprove the core belief): To feel Supported (by being loyal)
In an attempt to correct the core belief (helpless) and to reconnect with the essential quality (personal will), the mental ideal (faith) and the emotional ideal (courage), Sixes develop a strong desire to be supported. So they latch onto people who are steadfast, strong and capable to draw upon their strengths.
Mental Strategy (Fixation): Self-Doubt / Worry
The ego-mind doesn’t feel confident or supported, so it doubts its own capabilities and worries about everything.
Emotional Strategy (Passion): Fear / Anxiety
The felt sense of fear and anxiety that come from NOT feeling supported in the world.
Ego Ideal (what we aspire to be): To be Loyal / Devoted
The ego-ideal (to be loyal) is an aspirational idealised idea of ourself that incorporates the lost essential quality (Personal Will).