
Lee Bladon 7:00 am


Transformational Therapist


Cultivating Wellbeing for Body, Heart, Mind & Soul

Hi, I’m Lee Bladon, and I help people to Heal, Grow, Awaken and Thrive. I am passionate about helping people to achieve life-changing results by guiding and supporting them on their personal journey of self-discovery, healing and empowerment. This is a progressive journey towards wholeness and wellbeing. It’s not a one or two session quick fix, although it is faster and more effective than conventional approaches. Working with me can help you to break free from old limiting patterns, change how you feel about yourself, align with your true purpose, and transform your life. So, how do you want to Heal, Grow, Awaken and Thrive?

  • Do you long for peace, happiness and contentment throughout your life?
  • Would like to become your best self and live your best life?
  • Do you dream of a life that fulfils you on every level of your being – body, heart, mind and soul?
  • Are you searching for meaning and purpose in life, and need to reconnect at a deeper level?
  • Do you want more control of your thoughts and emotions to regain control of your life?
  • Are you seeking freedom from your old emotional and mental baggage?
  • Do you want to raise your level of consciousness and realise your full potential?
  • Is there a desire to restore balance and return to your natural state of wellbeing?
  • Do you want to awaken your spiritual side or deepen your connection?
  • Are you looking to rediscover your true self and feel whole again?

If you are anything like me, you probably answered “Yes” to most of the above… In which case, you are in the right place, so please read on… If not, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the rest of your day!

My Unique Holistic Approach

My unique holistic approach involves every aspect of your being – body, heart, mind and soul. I use a range of highly effective therapeutic modalities for physical wellness, emotional healing, mental health, personal development and spiritual awakening, including:

  • Transformational Coaching works predominantly at the mental level, so is effective at overcoming the negative beliefs that are preventing you from moving forward and achieving your desired goals.
  • Therapeutic Counselling works mainly at the emotional level, so helps you to free yourself from low self-esteem, deficient feelings and historic/childhood traumas that keep you stuck in old patterns.
  • Spinal Energetics works deeply at every level of your being to release stress, trauma, physical, emotional and mental issues. It activates your body’s innate intelligence and healing capabilities to allow your entire system to heal and rebalance itself. It is particularly effective with issues that your conscious mind can’t really connect with (e.g. from early childhood), which conventional therapeutic approaches often struggle with.
  • The Enneagram is a system of nine archetypal personality types that helps you to quickly yet deeply understand yourself and others. I have developed a simple way of helping you to discover your enneagram type and identify your core beliefs, emotional reactions and coping strategies. This depth of insight into your subconscious patterning is incredibly useful to anyone who is interested in self-discovery, personal growth, emotional healing, spiritual awakening or any kind of “inner work”.
Spinal Energetics


“I am not exaggerating when I say that Lee has changed my life. I now look at everything differently; not just because of the healing and growth, but he is an immense fountain of knowledge and the work we have done around my various beliefs and ingrained patterns since childhood has been truly transformative. We can either choose to stay asleep, or wake up and do the challenging inner work. Lee holds the most amazing, healing space and I recommend him to everyone!”


Lee safely led me into the therapy, clearly and knowledgeably guiding me through as it progressed. I wasn’t sure what to expect but as the session ended it became clear that my body had been holding on to so much which I was able to let go of without any of the challenging or emotional energy I’ve experienced with other therapies. I have experienced lasting effects in the days following the session and feel that a part of me has been accessed which I have been guarding and protecting. Things seem clearer and I feel less attached to the things that haven’t been serving me. Thank you so much Lee for your intuitive and powerful work


Lee is a gifted and intuitive practitioner working on many levels. After just one session I could feel my energetic and physical body rebalancing. The effects of his sessions have been profound. I highly recommend his approach if you’re ready for significant change and healing!”


“I worked with Lee for a few months months to clear the patterns in my head, heart and body – negative thinking, deficient emotions and strange energetic pains. It was nothing short of miraculous – I am a different person now. He helped me to tune into lots of stuff that had been going on inside me all my life, without my conscious awareness. I quickly realised that I wasn’t really in control of my life – these parts and patterns were controlling me. Experientially realising this provided some immediate relief, but deeply feeling into them, with his reassuring, supportive, healing presence, was really transformational.”


“I worked with Lee for a few months months to clear the patterns in my head, heart and body – negative thinking, deficient emotions and strange energetic pains. It was nothing short of miraculous – I am a different person now. He helped me to tune into lots of stuff that had been going on inside me all my life, without my conscious awareness. I quickly realised that I wasn’t really in control of my life – these parts and patterns were controlling me. Experientially realising this provided some immediate relief, but deeply feeling into them, with his reassuring, supportive, healing presence, was really transformational.”


“I had a few sessions with Lee to help me with a compulsive issue that kept coming up in my life. It was like there was a little voice in my head that wouldn’t let up until I gave in to her demands. Lee helped me to get out of my head and into my body, and from there I could feel what was actually happening inside me, instead of just thinking about it and wanting it gone. He helped me to understand that different parts of me, each with different agendas, were pulling me in different directions. Once I could see the big picture, everything settled down and my head is a much nicer, quieter place now.”


“Since working with Lee, the transformations have been incredible. I used to suffer with crippling anxiety, which meant that I would have to cancel plans and sometimes not leave the house. I used to have polycystic ovaries, but now I have regular cycles and ovulate every month. I used to find taking a deep breath uncomfortable due to energetic blockages around my diaphragm, but now I actually enjoy filling my lungs without any discomfort. Working on patterns with my inner child and her beliefs, whilst being held in an incredibly safe space, has literally changed my life. I have never known healing like it. I just wish I had found him sooner.”


“I’ve always had a spiritual gift, but I never really understood it. So a friend suggested I have a session with Lee… that was yesterday, and all I can say is WOW! For some reason, I expected it to be more of a psychological session to understand what was going on, but what unfolded in Lee’s powerful presence was a very enlightening shamanic journey… It began with a past life that resonated with my current situation, then we journeyed up through several planes of consciousness, all of which were amazing, to a place/space that felt as if I was being hugged, held, accepted and loved by the entire universe. It was the deepest, most powerful, most divine experience of my life. Absolutely awesome, thank you so much!”


“As someone with serious social anxiety I really struggle to talk about myself, let alone my feelings, but Lee has made me feel very comfortable and helped me to open up and and work on myself. Thanks Lee!


“I couldn’t believe all the things that were going on inside my head, often with conflicting agendas… no wonder I was a mess! But now, after 6 sessions with Lee, I have sooo much more clarity, and space to think before I act, rather than automatically reacting with one of my old habitual patterns. Working with Lee has genuinely changed my life for the better. I can’t recommend him highly enough!”


Lee Bladon Holistic Therapies

A Little Bit About Me

My journey of personal development and spiritual awakening started in 1999, when I realised how shallow and unfulfilling modern life was. I say “was” because it’s very different now, but it took me a while to get here because I didn’t know what I was doing back then! I naively thought I could find what I was looking for through knowledge and my mind, but none of that changed who I was. It took me 10 years to realise that if I wanted deep transformational change, I need to go deeper into my consciousness. I needed to get out of my head and feel down into my heart (where emotions live) and into my belly (where repressed emotions are buried). And that’s when the real transformations began. When I started feeling into my “stuff” instead of just thinking about it, it all started to unpack, heal and reintegrate. I began to feel whole, happy, peaceful and fulfilled, instead of anxious, insecure and flat. In short, I was transformed and so was my life!

I have studied Transformational Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling, Spinal Energetics, Holistic Healing, the Diamond Approach, the Enneagram, Internal Family Systems (parts-work), Hakomi, Psychosynthesis and Reiki Energy Healing, and I draw on all of them in my work.

I also have an empathic connection that allows me to sense energetic and emotional blockages in other people. This allows me to feel into my client’s issues, and assist with their healing and transformation in ways other therapists can’t. It’s a natural ability that we all possess to some degree, but mine has become very sensitive through years of clearing and refining my own consciousness, and lots of practise with other people.

I am the author of two fascinating books, The Science of Spirituality and Awakening to Wholeness, which have changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Large sections of each book are available to read for FREE. Simply click the links above to discover more.

I have been helping people with self-discovery, personal development and spiritual growth since 2017. I am based in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, but I primarily work online, via Zoom, with people all around the world.

Books by Lee Bladon

Make a Booking

I use a range of traditional and complementary modalities, including therapeutic counselling, transformational coaching and energy healing to help people with their wellbeing, emotional healing, mental health, personal growth, spiritual awakening and fertility issues. Note: Holistic therapy sessions in Grantham are offered at a discounted rate to support those in my local community.

Lee Bladon

Free Discovery Call (Zoom)

A free 20-minute Zoom call with Lee to discuss your issues and the best way to move forward.

Lee Bladon Holistic Therapies

Single Therapy Session (Grantham)

1 x 50 minute session can be used for counselling, coaching, energy healing, or any combination of these.

Lee Bladon Holistic Therapies

Single Therapy Session (Zoom)

1 x 50 minute session can be used for counselling, coaching, energy healing, or any combination of these.

Lee Bladon Holistic Therapies

Therapy Package (Zoom x 5)

5 x 50 minute sessions can be used for counselling, coaching, healing, or any combo (use within 150 days).

I also offer Spinal Energetics, which works deeply at every level of your being to release stress, trauma, physical, emotional and mental issues. I recommend new clients book one of my heavily discounted Starter Packages (of 3 or 4 sessions). These weekly or fortnightly sessions help to kick-start your healing journey by cultivating deeper self-awareness, developing your mind-body connection, and activating your body’s innate intelligence and healing capabilities. My Starter Packages aren’t much more expensive than some practitioners charge for a single session!

Spinal Energetics is suitable for most people aged 12 to 75, but NOT those with Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy/Seizures, Severe Asthma, Heart Problems or Aneurism. It is also NOT suitable if you are pregnant or have given birth in the last 6 months. If you have any doubts or questions, please Contact Me.

Spinal Energetics

Single Spinal Session (Zoom 30 mins)

1 x 30 minute spinal energetics session to start or continue your personal journey of healing, growth and wellbeing.

Spinal Energetics

Single Spinal Session (Zoom 50 mins)

1 x 50 minute spinal energetics session to start or continue your personal journey of healing, growth and wellbeing.

Spinal Energetics

Starter Package (Zoom 30 mins)

4 x 30 minute sessions to start your personal journey of healing, growth and wellbeing (use weekly or fortnightly, within 50 days).

Spinal Energetics

Continuation Package (Zoom 30 mins)

4 x 30 minute sessions to continue your journey of healing, growth and wellbeing (use fortnightly or monthly, within 100 days).

Spinal Energetics

Continuation Package (Zoom 50 mins)

3 x 50 minute sessions to continue your journey of healing, growth and wellbeing (use fortnightly or monthly, within 100 days).

Spinal Energetics

Single Spinal Session (Grantham 50 mins)

1 x 50 minute spinal energetics session to start or continue your personal journey of healing, growth and wellbeing.

Spinal Energetics

Starter Package (Grantham 50 mins)

3 x 50 minute sessions to start your personal journey of healing, growth and wellbeing (use weekly or fortnightly, within 50 days).

Spinal Energetics

Continuation Package (Grantham 50 mins)

3 x 50 minute sessions to continue your journey of healing, growth and wellbeing (use fortnightly or monthly, within 100 days).

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